Chicago Community Learning Center
The Chicago Community Learning Center (CCLC) welcomes students from diverse educational backgrounds and provides a wide range of learning opportunities. An individual may be admitted to the school by completing and submitting the Student Enrollment Form.
Additional admission requirements are as follows:
1. High School or GED required.
2. 18 years of age or older.
3. Have an photo ID and a social security card
4. Be available to be in class from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
5. Illinois State Police Background Testing: Students are required to undergo fingerprinting prior to the start of class.
This extensive background check is mandatory and the fees are the paid by the school. Students must undergo fingerprinting through CCLC’s authorized vendor ( 1-866-361-9944). Students must submit health requirements to CCLC’s Office before the start of class, regardless of registration date. Students who do not have Health Clearance will not be permitted to go to clinical sessions.
Below are the health requirements needed before a student will be allowed to attend clinical sessions of the program.
A. Complete physical exam, signed by health care provider. Physicals are required annually and must not expire during the period of enrollment.
B. Immunization Records must include but are not limited to the following: 1. Measles (Rubella) 2. Mumps 3. German Measles (Rubella) 4. Chicken Pox (Varicella) 5. Tetanus (Students, which do not have appropriate immunization records, must obtain required immunizations prior to the start of the class.)
C. Hepatitis B – Immunization is required a. Either dates of series immunization b. Positive titer – titer is recommended one to two months after receiving the complete series.
D. TB Testing – A two-step Mantoux per Illinois Department of Public Health a. Must be given and documented by health care provider b. First test is to be “read” and documented on between 48 hours to 7 days after the test was initiated 11 c. Second test is to be done 7-21 days after first and should be “read” 48 to 72 hours after the second test was administered. d. If TB skin test is positive, or is known to be positive by the student, a chest x-ray will need to be done and referred to health care provider.
(The above must be completed before the student will be allowed to attend clinical section of the program. Student will be held to the missed clinical policy. It is the responsibility of the student to bring all health related information as stated above to the school before the start of class.) 7. Student must have a background check performed. These checks are performed through Accurate Biometrics for all programs and are included in the cost of tuition.
Grading Scale ​
100-90 A
80-90 B
79-70 C-D
69 or below F
A student must receive a 80% Grade or higher to pass the class. A student will receive various written and verbal notifications throughout the course if he or she is not performing satisfactory work. A student-teacher conference will then be implemented to assist the student. If required another meeting will take place, including the school administrator, student, and instructor.